UNI EN ISO 7779:2019
The Standards Catalogue can be reached from this address: https://store.uni.com/
In the online Catalogue you will find UNI, ISO, CEN and DIN standards.
They are documents that tell ‘how to guarantee well made things’, while guaranteeing safety, respect for the environment and reliable performance. According to Regulation EU 1025 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on European standardisation, a standard is ‘a technical specification, adopted by a recognised standardisation body, for repeated or continuous application, with which compliance is not compulsory’. It can be international, European, harmonised, national. Standards, therefore, are documents that define the characteristics (dimensional, performance, environmental, quality, safety, organisational, etc.) of a product, process or service, according to the state of the art and are the result of the work of tens of thousands of experts in Italy and around the world.
Besides standards, you can find many other products in the catalogue: subscriptions, reference practices, UNItrain training courses, editorial products (manuals, guidelines…).
The subscription to UNI standards has the duration chosen by the customer according to the price list in force at the time of purchase. When the subscription expires, the Customer may decide whether or not to renew it at the contractual conditions in force at the time of the renewal request.
Reference practices are UNI documents that introduce technical prescriptions or sectorial application models of technical standards, when there are no national, European or international standards or draft standards.
They may be good practices already in use in citizen/consumer services, sectorial applications of existing specifications, industry specifications, protocols for the management of proprietary trademarks, locally tested management models, nationally adopted CWAs. They are elaborated on the basis of a rapid sharing process among the authors only, no longer than nine months, in special Tables and under the operational guidance of UNI.
Two years after publication, it is considered whether to evolve the reference practice into a normative document. After five years either they are transformed into a UNI standard, UNI/TS, UNI/TR or they are withdrawn.
Reference Practices are freely downloadable from the online catalogue. The catalogue can be reached from this address: https://store.uni.com/
Standards are protected by copyright. For their possible reproduction send a request to vendite@uni.com and you will receive all the necessary information.