We are a private, non-profit association that for over 100 years has been developing, publishing and disseminating the standards of our life: the voluntary technical standards.
In everything we do, we are always guided by a goal: to build, through standards, 'a world well made'.
Assembly, committees, colleges, councils, boards, President. To carry out its activities, UNI makes use of 8 specific governance bodies.
Standardisation, by its very nature, tends to eliminate any form of barrier, border, fence or division. Because the values ​​underlying each standard are universal.
We have been in work for 100 years. Look back on the most important milestones of an ever-changing world.
Discover all the information and documents detailing the organisation and management of UNI.
The Strategic Lines are the confirmation of the design capacity of standardization as it has evolved in recent years: check the 2021-2024 document
The voluntary technical standards are the greatest source of collective technical knowledge. They help us every day to live in a world safer, fairer and in a more sustainable world.
Drafting a standard means writing a document that explains 'how to do guarantee well made things', while guaranteeing safety, performance and respect for the environment.
Economic growth, social progress, environmental protection, improvement of safety and enhancement of innovation.
Committees, sub-committees and working groups: in UNI there are 1,100 technical bodies with which more than 8,000 experts collaborate.
UNI is an integral part of IQ, Infrastructure for Quality Italy. Objective? To improve the quality of 'Made in Italy' products, services and processes.
Reference Practices, European projects and CWA: find out about UNI's activities and initiatives at national and international level
UNI standards are not dropped from above. They are the result of collective work of thinking, sharing and ideation. Participation means contributing to the birth of new knowledge.
Contribute personally to the creation of standards and define the rules of your sector with us.
The standardisation process is transparent from start to finish thanks to two public Inquiries: preliminary and final.
Consult the drafts of the new UNI Reference Practices and submit your comments
Whether the company or institution you work for is small or large; whether you are a teacher or a professional or a consumer, we always have the solution for YOU.
How standardisation can help large groups improve production quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency.
For small and medium-sized enterprises, standards are a great universe of benefits. Discover them all.
Update knowledge, qualify, improve skills. Standardisation supports the growth of every professional.
Standards are an outstanding driver of change and a tool for updating, for those doing research or training.
At local or national level, standardisation is a valuable ally of Institutions.
End consumers, people, citizens. The main beneficiaries of standards are always us.
UNITRAIN is the UNI Training Centre for knowledge and application of standards. It is aimed at technicians, managers, entrepreneurs, professionals and consultants who want to be kept up-to-date on standards practices, techniques and laws at the basis of their business.
UNITRAIN trainers are not just any trainers: most of them are also the experts who develop the standards.
Welcome to UNI Store, the great online shopping for training. Here you can search, purchase, consult and download standards, practices, publications, choose the subscription formula that suits you best and register for our training courses.
A boundless patrimony of standards affecting all areas of our lives, to consult and purchase.
Consult and discover the Reference Practice ("PdR") of the sector you are interested in.
If you want to make a great journey in knowledge this is the station to start from: Consult the catalogue of UNITRAIN training courses scheduled and register for the one that suits you.
Standardisation also has its own library. Consult the list of available UNI editorial publications, which is enriched with new titles every year.
We have designed different subscription formulas to meet everyone's needs. Discover yours.
Discover all the Agreements stipulated at national level for access to the patrimony of standards of businesses and professionals.
Guidelines for auditing management systems
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems