The standard defines the requirements for the professional activity of professionals working in the field of interpretation and translation, i.e., professionals who enable communication across different languages and cultures.
These requirements have been outlined, starting from the specific tasks and activities and the identification of the related contents, in terms of knowledge and skills, also in order to clearly identify the level of autonomy and responsibility in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The requirements are also expressed in such a way as to facilitate and contribute to making the related conformity assessment processes as homogeneous and transparent as possible.
The broad-ranging professional activities described in the standard encompass the diversity and multitude of the elements involved, e.g.:
- modes of and criteria for the provision of the services;
- individual competences;
- clients' expectations and requirements;
- education and training background;
- value of the service.
The standard therefore identified multiple profiles:
a. Conference interpreter;
b. Legal interpreter;
c. Healthcare interpreter;
d. Business interpreter;
e. Sign language interpreter;
f. Technical-scientific translator;
g. Legal translator;
h. Localiser;
i. Dialogue adapter.
The profiles, defined one by one, are neither separable in absolute terms nor mutually incompatible. Thus, the same professional may be required to perform tasks spanning across multiple profiles, each of which requires the specific knowledge, skills, and EQF/NQF level set out in this standard.