Thematic subscriptions

UNI presents an exclusive proposal! These are the thematic subscriptions.
The topics are filtered by our specialists and guarantee the comprehensiveness of the regulatory landscape chosen for the proposed subscriptions.

The prices are particularly convenient.

  • Non UNI members: Euro 180.00 + VAT
  • Uni members: Euro 99.00 + VAT

After the purchase of the first thematic subscription, all others can be purchased at the fixed price of Euro 20.00 + VAT (*).
To this is added a special price for the purchase of a licence to use UNI standard files: Euro 15.00 + VAT.
For each UNI standard licence to use, you have 5 downloads at your disposal.

Buy the subscriptions you are interested in! Don't miss this opportunity!

(*) The special price of Euro 20.00 applies only if you make the purchase in a single transaction (i.e. by adding the thematic subscriptions to the shopping cart in the same shopping session).

The offer is valid for companies with fewer than 50 employees. UNI reserves the right to carry out spot checks to verify the requirements indicated.

Classic subscriptions

Classic subscriptions

The UNI standards always at hand. And always up-to-date. How? With subscriptions.