This European Standard specifies the dimensions of openings for access as applied to machinery as defined in EN 292-1. It provides the dimensions to which the values given in EN 547-3 are applicable. Values for additional space requirements are given in annex A. This European Standard has been prepared primarily for non-mobile machinery, there may be additional specific requirements for mobile machinery.
Dimensions for access openings are based on the values for the 95th percentile, whereas reach distances are based on the values for the 5th percentile, in each case the least favourable body dimension of the expected user population being used as a basis. The same considerations apply to the location of access openings.
The anthropometric data given in EN 547-3 originate from static measurements of nude persons and do not take into account body movements, clothing, equipment, machinery operating conditions or environmental conditions.
This European Standard shows how to combine the anthropometric data with suitable allowances to take these factors into account.
Situations where people are to be prevented from reaching a hazard are dealt with in EN 294.