This document defines an application interface definition by selecting suitable options from the base standard EN ISO 12855:2021. Furthermore, it defines transfer mechanisms and supporting functions to ensure the interoperability between Toll Chargers and Toll Service Providers.
This document covers:
- exchange of information between the central equipment associated with the two roles service provision and toll charging, e.g.:
o charging related data (exception lists, toll declarations, billing details, payment claims);
o administrative data (trust objects, EFC context data, contact details for enforcement, etc.);
o confirmation data.
- transfer mechanisms and supporting functions;
- semantics of data elements;
- restrictions on parameters and their values
- implementation conformance statement proforma, in an Annex, as a basis for assessment of conformity to this document;
- an Interoperability statement proforma, in an Annex, as a basis for assessment of transactional interoperability of two technical implementations;
- a web service definition, in an Annex, for the use of web services as communication technology.
The implementation of the underlying back office systems and their business processes is not covered.