This part of CEN/TR 14819 specifies safety recommendations applicable to the prevention and fighting of fires in funicular railways in tunnels that may endanger the health and safety of persons.
This part of CEN/TR 14819 covers the design, manufacture, construction, maintenance and operation of all funicular railways running in tunnels of length greater than 300 m or where the evacuation zones are more than 300 m apart, an evacuation zone being comparable to a station from the point of view of protecting passengers against fire risks. Tunnels with these characteristics are called "long tunnels" in the following.
For shorter tunnels, some of the same measures could be applied depending on the results of the installation safety study and taking account particularly of the number of passengers and the width of the evacuation passage.
With regard to these fire problems, it is essential to take organizational measures relating to operation, but these are not covered in this document