This document specifies a global transport data management (GTDM) framework composed of
- global transport basic data model,
- global transport access control data model,
- global transport function monitor data model, and
- sensor and control network data model
to support data exchange between applications.
This document defines standardized data classes in a Global Transport Data Format (GTDF), and the means to manage them.
Application and role-based access control to resources in GTDF are specified in accordance with IEEE 1609.2 certificates.
This document specifies GTDM as an ITS-S capability which is an optional feature (ITS-capabilities are specified in ISO 24102-6).
The GT access control (GTAC) data model specifies access permissions to data and function control by defining role-based mechanisms.
The GT function monitor (GTFM) data model specifies a configuration method to generate a flow logic for monitoring purposes, e.g. observing data parameters with respect of a defined limit.